
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

16 Weeks Of Summer 2011: The BLOCKBUSTER Charts

It’s that time again… when the obvious becomes the inevitable… and cash falls into theaters like studios weren’t trying to shoot themselves in the foot. (Of the films on this chart, I anticipate that the only still-in-summer VOD candidate to be Thor, in August… 90 days after release… and I wouldn’t count on that happening.)
More charts will be coming soon – as well as a column on the whole thing – before Thor opens on Thursday night. But here is a first bite.
This chart is for the movies that are aiming north of $100 million domestic and $200m worldwide. I think all of them will make that mark. Of course, they are all REALLY aiming at $200 million domestic and $500 million worldwide… some are aiming for over $700 million worldwide… and a few/couple at a billion.
As you can see, Paramount is releasing FIVE of the thirteen titles here… WB is second with three… Sony is the only studio not on this chart, because of the ambitions of their releases, though they may have a couple of film break the $100m mark… but that’s another chart.


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